Visitor Log Software


What is a digital visitor log?

Traditionally, visitor logs are created using visitor sign-in books. However, visitor management systems can now automatically generate and monitor digital visitor logs when they are on site.

What are the benefits of using visitor log software?


1. Building your CRM database

A Visitors Log Monitoring System allows you to review and analyse the visitors who have been coming to your building; including their details and purposes for visiting your building, how long they have stayed, or which persona comes to your building the most. Data Science is the central idea of creating an electronic visitor log – the ability to understand it, process it and extract value from it (Source: McKinsey).

2. Better visitor experience

With visitor sign-in books, visitors are often required to wait in a queue at a reception desk and wait for the receptionist to manually check and key in their details. Thus, potentially causing them to be late for a meeting.

However, digital visitor logs allow visitors to check in quickly and smoothly by recording visitor details when they are pre-registered and automatically changing their status on the Visitor Log Monitoring System when they check in.

3. Improve efficiency

Visitor log software removes the manual, laborious process of receptionists having to check visitors in at a location. Instead, it creates an electronic visitor log to deliver an automated, digital process that allows reception staff to focus on other tasks and provide a great visitor experience.

4. Store your visitor data securely

Creating a visitor log in traditional signing-in books is time-consuming and puts the business at risk of breaking GDPR because of visitor management. They can be stolen easily; visitor information is readily available to anyone at the desk if the book is left open and visitor data is more difficult to erase.

A cloud-based digital visitor log can ensure that visitor data is stored securely. Our above-industry-standard security Vgreet Virtual Reception stores the electronic visitor logs, ensuring our customers’ data is kept, handled and anonymised in accordance with GDPR.

Read more about GDPR.


How does visitor log software work within Vgreet?

Vgreet is a virtual reception kiosk that provides an efficient and safe digital process to gather and record visitor information, featuring visitor check-in, visitor pass printing, and host notifications. Users can manage visitor lists, information and employee lists using the visitor dashboard feature.

Vgreet also provides visitor pre-registration by automatically sending out an invite after a meeting is scheduled. The invite includes documentation for signing, host details, a map, and a QR code for express check-in.

Through our integration, the visitor logs automatically populate meeting room booking software and desk booking systems:

  • ​Any updates on visitor details or meetings in office 365 synchronise the Vgreet visitor management system.
  • The visitor log is kept in both systems and synchronised as part of that synchronisation.

Visitor Log Software Resources

Looking for the best Visitor Sign in System? App, iPad, or kiosk?

Are you aware of the risks of using electronic visitor sign in systems, apps or iPad for visitor sign-in? Read to choose the best digital visitor sign-in system!

5 Tips for Safe, Simple, and Savvy Visitor Registration

How do you register visitors in an efficient way without compromising building and data security?

What is Visitor Management? 

This guide will introduce visitor management from both macro and micro perspectives, including some of our thought-provoking key terms within visitor management to help readers understand our unique approach to improving workplace safety, productivity, efficiency, and visitor experience while cutting costs.

Visitor Management Features for all Stakeholders

How can different elements of visitor management help the needs of all stakeholders in your organisation?

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